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best submarine 2

Best Submarine 2 - At that time, the class of submarines was an example of cutting-edge technology. However, it usually precedes the history of one hundred and sixty years. Already in the Yankee War (1861-1865) the early predecessors of submarines were deployed in combat. In this article, I will show you the largest submarine in the world 2021. We will also discuss which is the most powerful submarine in the world in 2021. The phenomenon of the submarine Irish manufacturer John Prince Philip in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Nations in 1897 built a submarine with a diesel engine, motor and battery.

Although German U-boats posed a serious threat to battleships, especially during World War II, a variety of military submarines were deployed in the previous war. Today, the American and Russian navies have a large number of submarines. To calculate the size of the submarine, the water displacement (water displacement) is taken into account, expressed in tons, one ton is equal to the volume of 1 cubic meter of displaced water. Below is a list of the ten largest submarines in the world.

Best Submarine 2

Best Submarine 2

The family of Typhoon-class submarines is far and wide in the Russian Typhoon ranks. Forty-eight thousand tons of submarines, this class of ships is rightly called "giant". This underwater hopper has a length of one hundred and seventy-five meters, a width of twenty-three meters and a depth of twelve meters. Despite their enormous size, hurricanes still reach their allies at a speed of 27 knots. 2 Ninety square meters of a nuclear reactor was the standard for the production of submarines with the necessary power. It is often boarded by 163 crew members. Under normal conditions, a hurricane stays in the water for one hundred and eighty days. The original Hurricane entered service in 1981. Six prototypes were built, one of which was integrated with the Russian Navy. The goal is that the Borei submarines can gradually replace the Typhoon. The typhoon's armament consists of twenty nuclear missiles and six torpedo tubes for 533 mm torpedoes. The best submarine in the world 2021. The Russian Typhoon-class submarine is the world's number one submarine.

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Borei class submarines measure the second largest submarine fleet in the world. They require a submarine displacement of about twenty-four tons. She began producing the original bag in 1996. Six gauges of the Borei-class submarine are currently in active service. Additional well measures are planned or under construction. They are one hundred and seventy meters long, thirteen meters wide, and most submarines reach a speed of thirty-three knots. The configuration is responsible for the given performance. Armament of sixteen Bulava nuclear missiles and 6 torpedo tubes of 533 mm each.

The most famous Russian class II submarine is undoubtedly the Metropolis. In 2000, the submarine made headlines around the world when an explosion occurred in the submarine. All crew members were killed. The biggest difference between the submarines of the second prize was the displacement of 19,400 tons. A characteristic feature of this type of submarine is movement in and out of water: their speed reaches thirty-two knots! Prize II submarines carry twenty-four cruise missiles and have eight torpedo tubes used for several torpedo calibers. Energy is provided by 2 nuclear reactors with an output of one hundred and ninety megawatts.

The largest submarines in our fleet are the Ohio class. The displacement of the submarine Ohio is 18750 tons. A total of eighteen were designed, all of which are still in service with the Navy. The flagship submarine of this class, which was in service since 1981, was the USS Ohio. From the USS Henry M. All Ohio submarines except Jackson have the name of a US state on them. The boat category is one hundred and seventy meters long and 13 meters wide. Underwater speeds of up to twenty knots are commonly achieved, although speeds of twenty-five knots have also been reported. The setup provides power to the submarine. The Allies in Nursing Ohio submarine will carry twenty-four Spar nuclear missiles and have twenty-four launch tubes for 533 millimeter torpedoes.

The Russian Delta-class submarine includes four subclasses: Delta I to Delta IV. Delta IV is the largest ship with a displacement of 18,200 tons. In 1976, I entered the service in the first delta of the Navy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Delta I and Delta II submarines are decommissioned. According to the latest information, the Russian Navy still has 5 Delta III submarines and 6 Delta IV submarines. Delta IV has a length of 167 meters, a beam of twelve meters and a draft of about 9 meters. The ship reaches a speed of twenty-four knots in the water. 2 submarine type nuclear reactors. The Delta IV can fire sixteen nuclear missiles. In addition, the armament consists of anti-ship missiles and torpedoes.

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An even larger class measures the British Vanguard class submarines. The displacement of the litter is fifteen 900 tons. The series consists of 4 ships closely held by the British Royal Navy. Vanguard's main service began in 1993. The yachts were designed exclusively by Vickers Building and Engineering of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Hectometer Armed Services Base Clyde, home of the Vanguard Range, is located forty kilometers west of the port in Europe. The Vanguard class of submarines is 149.9 meters long and twelve meters wide, with a draft of twelve meters. The assembly built by Rolls-Royce drives 2 steam turbines. This will allow the submarine to circumnavigate the globe at least forty times without refueling. Underwater, the Vanguard submarine reaches a speed of twenty-five knots. The vessel has sixteen launch cells capable of carrying eight Javelin II conventional nuclear missiles. Vanguard consists of four 533 mm torpedo tubes.

The winning lupus erythematosus category was developed in French. Square meter of these four submarines, the oldest of which was delivered to the French Navy in 1997. Victory of Lupus Erythematosus is an alternative submarine of fourteen 335 tons. The boat category has a length of 138 meters and a length of 12.5 meters. One hundred and fifty propulsion units are configured, which are the energy supplier for the submarine. The hull is lined with acoustic tiles that absorb the waves of the measuring device. This makes the submarine undetectable to enemy ships. The armament consists of sixteen ballistic (nuclear) missiles and 4 torpedo tubes for 533 mm torpedoes. One of the four submarines had a very low speed collision with a British submarine in 2009, luckily it was unharmed and caused no serious damage.

Russian Akula-class submarines also have a displacement of 13,800 tons. These submarines appeared in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1984. It is one hundred and ten meters long and 13.6 meters wide. By the way, the name "Akula" may be a western name; The Russians have decided on the Shchuka-B family of submarines. 10 submarines of this type are still in operation. Nine of them serve in the Russian Navy, one is in the Indian Navy. It is powered by a structure with a capacity of one hundred and ninety megawatts. The proposed submarine has a double hull. Underwater, Akula reaches the speed of a Georgia homeboy. thirty-five knots; On the surface, this maximum speed drops to 10 knots. Akula carries twelve cruise missiles launched from a submarine. Anti-tank consists of torpedoes ranging in size from square to eight torpedo tubes.

Best Submarine 2

Yasen or Greni class submarines entered the Russian Navy, but goodbye. The appearance of such a submarine began in 1993. At the end of 2013, the main submarine of this class, Severodvinsk, was used. Submarines of this class are 139 meters long and fifteen meters wide and have a displacement of 13,800 tons. For the hull, the Russian designers used low magnetic steel to make it easy to find the small submarine. The configuration allows the submarine to reach a speed of thirty-five knots. The armament consists of several types of torpedoes, rockets and mines.

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In 1972, the then Union of Soviet Socialist Republics began the development of Sera-class submarines. The predecessor of this category, the Sierra II, has been used by the Russian Navy since 1990. The square ships of this type are 111 meters long and 14.2 meters long submarines. The hull of the submarine is made of sunlight and hardened steel. The setup provides power to the submarine. The device generates steam power that is used to power the turbines that power the submarines. Sierra II class submarines reach a speed of thirty-two knots (32 nautical miles per hour, 59.3 km/h) underwater. Submarines have several tactical advantages that make them a formidable enemy in combat. They are fast, unobtrusive and portable.

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